Anil Thambai

Anil Thambai

Architectures are potent repositories of cultural expression. It is a construction of a collective culture where the participation of many is inevitable. Thus, the architectural monuments intertwined with our history often provide us with windows to explore the various facets within the historical epochs; though often we only look at those certain areas of which is sanctified by those at the top of any power structure. These partial perspectives limit our understanding of history and also of society in which we live. Among many facets that are overlooked, is the collective history of laborers who were instrumental in the creation of these structures. Through my studio practice, I have looked at the idea of architecture not as an end product but as a continuous process emerging out of collective labour. My area of enquiry explores the missing histories, whereby the craftsmen, their labour and skill become the paramount concern through interior.  My father was a construction worker and his experiences had left a profound impact on my working processes. The kinship which I have for the masonry has a heavy impact on my works and my visual sense.