SPRAWL , Recent Works by Alok Bal

SPRAWL , Recent Works by Alok Bal

September 21st, 2019 - November 30th, 2019

Are we becoming self centric and mechanical in our way of living?
Do we find time to look around, observe and learn from nature?
Are we permanently living in a state of departure and hence not wanting to change the present?
Where have the bonds of affection disappeared?
Are we living in self-denial?
Have we become prisoners of technology?
Are we blinded by individual delusion vs. participatory approach?
Are we who we think we are?

The works of Alok Bal express a deep rooted search about ‘Where are we, as a human race headed?’He sees the urban landscape as a chaotic socio-politically driven reality which he refers to as sprawl. His works express the insensitivity of people and its repercussions, resulting into alienation towards life.Temporal in nature, his works do not try to polemicise but rather raise questions about emotions,identity, time and history.

The disappearance of the natural elements by the overpowering authoritative behaviour of mankind perplexes him as he strives to not lose hope for an appropriate future.Today, when the concrete tangible elements of the urban sprawl are given prominence over the very primordial intangibles such as memory, emotions, affection, relationships and time, it is important to pause and step outside ourselves and take responsibilities for our conduct.

Alok’s works provoke dialogue as well as introspection while critically reflecting on the fragmented reality of the present through the veil of nostalgia. Through these conversations, the artist hopes go beyond dialogue and become an open field for exploration and debate.

Khushnu Panthaki Hoof